Submitting to ISJ

We would like to encourage you to submit your paper to the ISJ. It is very easy as you can submit electronically. Prior to submission please check/note the following:

  • Check that the paper comes within the scope of the ISJ. Papers that are out of scope, unsuitable for ISJ, or  seriously flawed will be rejected without review (you will hear normally within two weeks).
  • We strongly recommend that you take a close look at the ISJ itself. Look at the Editorials, and familarise yourself with the kind of papers we publish and, in particular, the research methods used. This can save a lot of wasted time and effort. Check your library or On-line ISJ for information on finding the ISJ (also perhaps obtain a sample copy, or see the ISJ Publishers website for a range of free ISJ papers).
  • Check to see if ISJ has previously published papers on the topic of your paper. If it has, make sure your paper contributes to the debate and ensure that you have referenced these articles (assuming they are appropriate).
  • Papers should be original and relate to original research, they should not have been published elsewhere. Papers should not be in review for another journal, nor should a paper be submitted to multiple journals at the same time.
  • Papers that have been rejected by other journals should be significantly revised before being submitted to ISJ.
  • If you are convinced that the ISJ is right for your paper, and we hope you will, please submit – see below.

The ISJ has been rated very highly in various ways but particularly in those things that matter to authors (Bhattacharjee, et al. 2004). For example, turnaround to first review was 3.4 months on average, quality of reviews was top out of all the IS journals, also top was ‘Responsiveness of the Editorial Office’. These things matter. See Quality.


All manuscripts in English should be submitted electronically via Manuscript Central at

ISJ accepts various types of paper. Research articles are the most common type but there are other – see their descriptions here.  In the submission process you will need to specify the paper type.

Microsoft Word is the preferred format but other formats are acceptable – see the system. Files should not be security protected, and should be anonymised, e.g. in MS Word the Properties, particularly author, should be blank. The editors reserve the right to make the style of presentation uniform prior to publication, whilst making every effort not to alter the content of an article. Paper submission will be acknowledged by the system via email and an ISJ Paper Number allocated. Paper progress can also be tracked via this system.

Preparation of the Manuscript

Authors are urged to write as concisely as possible and manuscript should not normally exceed 10,000 words (not including references and appendices).

Detailed instructions for the preparation of manuscripts are provided on the publisher’s website – follow the link to ‘authors guidelines’ – click here. Please follow these guidelines before making a submission.

Also have a look at a useful checklist provided by Wiley, but please note this is a generic checklist and some factors may not apply, for example, the need to submit hard copy.

Also check the ISJ Review Process for relevant information.

Once your paper has been accepted for publication please check Wiley’s final text and image submission instructions.