About Special Issues
The ISJ has Special Issues from time to time devoted to a single topic and edited by a set of Guest Editors. There is normally around one Special Issue a year, typically with 4 or 5 papers. The benefit of a Special Issue is that it provides a collection of high quality papers on a particular topic of interest in one issue. The standards and reviewing processes of Special Issues are the same as for normal ISJ issues.
If you would like to become a Guest Editor of the ISJ, you need to identify a suitable topic that you feel warrants a Special Issue. We particularly look for hot topics for Special Issues. The topic needs to be approved by the Editors. The Guest Editors, once appointed, are responsible for the Call for Papers, reviewers and reviewing right through to publication of the issue, including writing the Editorial. So it is a great opportunity to stamp your mark on a topic and contribute to its success. The Guest Editor (or Editors) will be expert and active in the area and of a status that generates interest in the topic and helps to attract high quality submissions.
The standards and reviewing processes of Special Issues have to be the same as for normal ISJ issues and the Editors reserve the right to veto papers, or indeed the issue, if they feel that ISJ standards are not being met. As part of ensuring integrity and high standards we have a number of rules for Special Issues, for example Guest Editors are not allowed to submit or publish their own papers in the Special Issue.
So if you think you meet the requirements and have some good ideas for topics we look forward to hearing from you. After you have read the Guidelines document and if you are thinking about suggesting a Special Issue of ISJ, please contact the ISJ Editor.