Why Submit Your Paper to ISJ

We would like to think that you already know why you should submit to ISJ but just to encourage you we make the following points:

  • You will hear very quickly (normally within 2 weeks) if your paper is out of scope, or not suitable
  • ISJ is a premier information systems journal, with a strong focus on qualitative research
  • It is one of the top 8 journals in the IS field, according to the IS Senior Scholars (AIS site)
  • The latest ISJ Impact Factor is 7.767 placing it third in the AIS Basket of Eight IS Journals
  • It has an acceptance rate of 10-12% of submissions
  • It is a truly international journal (see details of a study of MISQ, ISR, JSIS and ISJ)
  • Its quality is recognised by AIS (Association for Information Systems) and it is an official journal of AIS
  • It is recognised as a journal of international quality by the by the UK REF (Research Evaluation Framework)
  • Ranked as 3* (range 0-4*) equating to international excellence by ABS (Association of Business Schools) (see details)
  • Ranked as 4* (range 0-4*), i.e. publishing the best work in the field, by Warwick and Imperial Business Schools
  • It is ranked as the top IS journal for the quality of its reviews (see details of study by Bhattacharjee, et al)
  • It takes an average of 3.4 months for reviews
  • It is ranked 1st for the responsiveness of its Editorial Office
  • Overall ISJ is twice as good as other IS journals in relation to speed and quality of reviews
  • Accepted articles are published ‘Online Early’ as soon as they are ready, with a DOI. This means that they are available to the community as soon as possible, for reading and referencing, as fully published, without having to wait for the print version

If you are convinced that the ISJ is right for your paper then please submit. Click here for submission details.