The ISSN of ISJ is 1350 1917. This is a number that uniquely identifies the journal and is sometimes asked for when referencing the journal. We occasionally get asked about this number so we provide some information about ISSNs below.

What is an ISSN?
The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an internationally accepted code that identifies the title of serial publications. It is an eight-digit code consisting of seven numbers plus a check digit that enables a computer to recognise when the number is incorrectly cited. The check digit may be an X – otherwise the ISSN is fully numeric.

The ISSN is not connected with ownership of the journal, nor does it confer copyright or protect the title of the serial from use by other publishers. The ISSN does not change if, for example, the journal changes publisher.

However, a new ISSN is required if the title of the journal changes. This affects the way that the journal is catalogued within library systems, and how it is recorded in abstracting and indexing services, such as ISI and Medline. For this reason we recommend that the decision to change a journal title only be taken when the anticipated benefits outweigh the bibliographic risks associated with the change.

What are ISSNs assigned to?
ISSNs are currently assigned to the titles of serial publications in accordance with the definition below:

A serial is a publication issued in successive parts, usually having numerical or chronological designations (e.g. Vol.1, no.3, Summer 1996, etc.) and having a common title which is intended to be continued indefinitely. The definition encompasses journals, magazines, newspapers and series statements on books or monographs.

ISSNs are not assigned to one-off publications, magazine specials, newspaper specials or web sites.

Displaying the ISSN in print
The number should be printed thus: ISSN 0000-0000.

That is, it should be preceded by the initials ISSN followed by a single space, then the first four digits, then a hyphen, then the last four digits. This form of presentation is intended to make the ISSN easier to read and recognize internationally. The ISSN should preferably be printed on the top right-hand corner of the cover of a printed journal. However, if design, binding or other considerations mean the cover is unsuitable, the number may be printed in some other prominent position. The printing of the number is voluntary but is recommended in order to gain the full benefits of the ISSN system.

Electronic ISSN and DOI
A different ISSN from the print edition (the e-ISSN) is used for the online edition of the journal. This is to enable librarians and other users to distinguish between their print and online holdings. The Online ISSN for ISJ is 1365-2575.

The e-ISSN is also used within the structure of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Every journal article published by Wiley is allocated a DOI which is then used as the basis on which electronic links between articles can be established. Authors can also use the DOI in article citations.

Wiley’s use of DOIs

Every article published by Wiley is allocated a DOI on receipt from the editorial office or a DOI is created automatically by Manuscript Central. As well as applying DOIs at article level, the structure of the Wiley DOI was developed in order to facilitate the potential identification of subsidiary content elements, such as tables, figures, etc., as well as book content in addition to journals.

An example of a Wiley DOI for ISJ is as follows: 10.1111/j.1365-2575.2012.00413.x

10.1111 is the publisher identifier
j indicates that this is a journal article
1365-2575 is the e-ISSN of ISJ
2012 is the year when the article was received
00413 is the article tracking number

Sometimes you will notice that the year provided in the DOI structure differs from the year of publication. This is because the creation of the DOI is based on the date on which that manuscript was accepted for publication, not when it first appeared online.

Further information

For more general information on ISSNs, visit:
For more general information on DOIs, visit: